Chippenham’s in full ‘Run’ On Longest Day!

The Summer Solstice will soon be upon us, which means Chippenham will once again stage its Longest Day 10k, on June 21 this year.

Always rightly popular, as we go to press there are still places available for a race starting (and finishing) in central Chippenham at 7.30pm.

Suitable for beginners and experienced runners, the course is mainly flat and incorporates country roads and trails around Chippenham.

Drum beats from Jamma de Samba will add to the lively atmosphere.

All finishers will receive a medal, with personalisation also available.   

If you have anything that you’d like to share with us, races, results, fundraisers or just something interesting that you’d like to get to the wider running community please feel free to let us know on:

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