THERE was some super packing by the Bristol & West AC men at the Chippenham 10 miles road race yesterday.
The trio of Nick Roberts (55:51), Lee Gawler (56:25) and Andrew Drake (56:26) placed third, fourth and fifth respectively with Drave also finishing first veteran over 40.
The race was won by local runner Simon Nott (Calne RC) in 53:01 from Team Bath’s Peter Grist (55:46).
Further down the field Tariq Kurd was 17th and seventh M40 in 61:50 with Nick Tuftnell 24th (63:09), Nicko Brooke 41st (65:48) and Jude Brown 42nd (65:51).
Top woman was Alexandra Stainthorpe of Calne RC (61:55) while Clevedon AC’s Fran Rawlins placed fourth (65:25). There were 264 finishers.